St Mary’s College Student Counsellor, Andrea Maver, received the Tasmania Catholic Education Commission Award for outstanding service as an employee within Catholic Education.
Looking back at her childhood, Mrs Maver said Catholic Education formed some of her earliest memories.
“I’ve been part of Catholic Education all my life,” she said.
“I love the history, I love the faith and I love the pastoral care.
“Catholic Education is what I know and I would really not want to be anywhere else,” Mrs Maver said.
With a strong connection to St Mary’s College as a former student, Mrs Maver has also worked on staff over the past 20 years. More recently she worked as a counsellor at the College, a role that has allowed her to continue to build strong relationships with students, staff and parents.
She actively engages with the life of the College, giving up her own time to support activities and organise events that improve daily life at the College.
Mrs Maver said her greatest hope is that her work is beneficial to student’s lives now and in the future.
“If I can make a difference in the life of even one student it has been worthwhile,” she said.
The news that she was going to receiving an award during Catholic Education Week was an unexpected announcement.
“It’s very humbling really, because you think you are just going to work and doing your job like everyone else is. So to be singled out was a bit of a surprise,” she said.