Students in the library

Catholic Education Week is an opportunity to recognise the contribution many different people make to Catholic Education in Tasmania. It is a time for students, teachers, support staff, volunteers, parents and parishes to acknowledge the efforts of so many who enrich Catholic Education in Tasmania.

It is a time for making real Family-School-Parish partnerships, with opportunities for members of families, school and parish communities to participate together in activities that look at the many ways the joy of the Gospel is shared at every grade level, and in our own lives.

Catholic Education Week also celebrates the efforts students make with their own studies; the assistance they give to those in need; the simple joy they bring to one another and to the life of the school, and the generosity and energy they bring to fundraising for charitable causes.

Please take a moment to see for yourself the positive impacts that a meaningful curriculum supported by the centrality of prayer and reflection can make possible for our students.